If you have never received login credentials please contact the insolvency firm dealing with your case.
If you have previously logged onto this Portal but have forgotten your login credentials.
click here to request a reminder email.
The Turnkey Creditor Portal is provided as a service by Turnkey Computer Technology Limited on behalf of the insolvency practitioner for the purposes of a company or personal insolvency case. We are an information processing and handling platform only. We are not acting for you and, other than the terms below, there is no contract between you and Turnkey Computer Technology Limited. In order to access the Creditor Portal it is necessary for us to collect and process certain pieces of personal information about you. We will also need to place certain essential and functional cookies on your computer in order to ensure the proper functionality and security of the Creditor Portal. We do not use this information for any marketing purposes. This processing is necessary for the purposes of using the Creditor Portal. Please ensure that you have read and understood our Data Retention Policy, and Acceptable Usage Policy before continuing and, if you are happy to be bound by these terms, tick both options: